Get Wishes for Every Special Moments.
Separation from you this night brings sorrow, being in your hugs will dispel it tomorrow.
You are the reason I fall asleep with a smile on my face. As you drift off tonight, may you smile thinking of me too.
I love you more than anyone or anything in the entire world and I wish you the sweet dreams.
I can feel you whisper in my ear as I drift off and I hope you can feel my love as you sleep tonight.
Rest your head on my shoulder and close your eyes. It’s time to bid the world goodnight. Wake up in dreamland and smile so bright it makes the moon look not so bright.
Didn’t you know that there are strict dreaming rules while dating me? Rule number 1 is that you must always dream about me. Rule number 2 is that rule number 1 is the only rule. Good night.
The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.
Do you understand how difficult it is to go to sleep without embracing you? Do you feel the same? Someday, we will see the moon under the sky together.
I know what you are the one because when we are apart I feel incomplete. I never want to be without you. Good night.
Goodnight my love, goodnight my dear it’s just the night, though shall not fear to feel the warmth of my embrace and thank God for His grace.
Go to sleep knowing you’ll be the last thing I think about and the first thing I think of when I wake up to the sun beaming down and the birds chirping.
I know right now you are thinking of me and you probably got a million things to do. But I guess you should know that the whole time you were busy, I was worried about you. So take care, ok.
Sleep well now so that your tomorrow goes better than today. Cannot think of going to bed without your warm hugs. I wish you were here. Good night, my love.
Give your body and mind some rest. I want the best version of you every day. Goodnight my love. Make sure I am on your dreams.
Have a good night’s sleep and get yourself prepared for a brilliant day. Good night my sweetheart.
It is not just that you are a great man, but you look so innocent when you sleep. Have a tight sleep so that I can see that cute face tomorrow.
I don’t want to dream anymore because you are the living dream of my life. You are the prince of my dreams. Close your eyes and think of me by your side. Good night.
I have no other desire in life because I already have you. You are all my sweetest dreams in life that came true. Good night darling!
You look so innocent when you sleep. Every time I see you sleeping, I fall in love with you. Good night handsome. Wish you a tight sleep!
Whether you have a good time or bad, I will always be there to kiss and cuddle you when its night. Good night my love.
When I say GOOD night, I actually want you to be a GOOD boy at night. So don’t think about any girl except me. Good night handsome.
May the most peaceful sleep in the world be yours. Don’t see any other girl in your dreams other than me: Jokes aside, good night love.
You are not with me now. I can’t touch or hug you. But I will meet you in my dreams. We will be there together. Good night sweetheart!
Spending each and every day with your love and your company is a wonderful experience. I love you for making me feel happy all the time. Good night
Wishing good night to the most handsome man in the world. May you have the sweetest dream of your life tonight!
Good night, dear boyfriend. You are the reason I go to bed smiling no matter how bad the day was.
Baby, let’s not wait for the opportune stage for the love in our life – it is here and now. Let’s value what we have – our strong relationship and our love as time is hurtling at a furious pace and we have to make each other happy. I love you more than life, sweet dreams, my favorite
Every night, which I spent in your arms, was astonishing. Each night that I spent without you was a torture for me. Do not continue my agony, come back soon. Sweet dreams, sweetheart.
Every night my soul leaves my body to see how you sleep and to admire you, and every morning it returns to the body to feel the tenderness of your kisses. Sleep well, dear, I love you
I thank God every night for what he gave me such a wonderful gift. You are my reward and my love. Sweet dreams.
If someone could look into my heart, he would have seen a huge blooming garden of flowers, which grew thanks to your love. Good night, my favorite.
Even a thousand times I won’t get tired of talking about my feelings for you, about my devotion and eternal allegiance. Good night, honey.
I want to tell you so much before the bedtime, to share my feelings and emotions, but words are not enough to describe the whole range of my feelings for you, so I’ll just tell you that I love you and I wish you a good night
My life with you is an eternal fairy tale, it is a holiday, that will never end, with you I forgot about frustration and longing. Thank you for what being in my life, sweet dreams
If u ever feel lonely, look to the sky… Always know that I’m somewhere beneath that sky wishing all the best for you. Good night… sweet dreams
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